
Donations to Living Stream COB

Thank you for supporting our ministries!   Living Stream Church of the Brethren is a congregation in the Pacific Northwest District of the Church of the Brethren, so all donations are tax-deductible… and greatly appreciated!

Online donations may be made with any credit card, even while we use PayPal as our payment processor (just click the Donate button to be taken to the payment page). This is the easiest way to make an offering to this ministry… and you can even make an automatic recurring monthly donation this way (which we greatly appreciate!).

You may also send a check or bill payment through the mail.  Send payments, made out to Living Stream CoB, to:

Living Stream Church of the Brethren
500 N Emerson Ave, Apt 413
Wenatchee, WA 98801

We welcome your financial support, large or small, alongside your prayers for our outreach in the online community. Our organization is member-driven and member-financed, and so our continued service depends on the people who donate their talent, time, and resources to our ministries.  Every person we connect with makes us stronger and shapes who we are, and what we can accomplish together. Thank you for helping us continue to serve!

Where does the money go?

Living Stream is not unlike other congregations and church starts, but our budget sure is different in its priorities–especially since we have no building costs, but depend upon technology! We embrace transparency, so that others know what it takes to make this ministry happen.  We are a lean, nimble organization, with hopes of gaining additional support so we can grow even stronger!

2025 BUDGET: $34,250.00   (Monthly budget: $2,854.17)
    adopted in Congregational Meeting on November 10, 2024 

Worship and Leadership 
Pastoral Stipends ($100/month x 5 pastors)             $6,000.00
Worship Service Honorariums ($200/service x 60)       $12,000.00
Pastoral Ministry Project Fund                         $2,000.00
Tech Deacon Honorarium                                 $1,200.00
Other Honorariums (Musicians, etc.)                      $500.00
Professional Growth / Scholarships                       $300.00
Annual Conference Delegate                             $1,800.00

Equipment and Services 
Technical Services (web site, broadcasting, Zoom)      $1,200.00
Equipment and Updates                                  $1,200.00
Equipment Reserve Fund (set aside for major updates)   $1,500.00
Licenses for Streaming Music                             $550.00

Liability Insurance (for services and pastors)         $2,000.00

Fellowship and pastoral care                             $300.00

Visibility and Publicity                                 $250.00

Witness and Outreach (Commitment: at least 10% of the budget) 
Church of the Brethren Core Ministries                   $800.00
Pacific Northwest District                               $800.00
BMC (SCN dues)                                           $200.00
On Earth Peace                                           $100.00
Dunker Punks                                             $100.00
Anabaptist Disabilities Network                          $100.00
Other Discretionary Outreach                           $1,350.00
   *Witness and Outreach Total = $3,450.00 
TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 2025                          $34,250.00

What might be do if we had a larger budget?    —We’re so glad you asked!

Tech Support:  With a larger budget, our pastors could use better equipment, making it easier for them, and allowing for higher-quality streaming services.

More Outreach: With a larger budget, we would designate more to help others near and far.


Each week, worship is possible because of the generous donation of many volunteers:

  • 20+ hours – volunteer time (including worship leaders and pastoral management time, tech operations, donor acknowledgement correspondence, social media networking, accounting support, advisory board planning, prayer team ministries)
  • Pastors’ phone bills/pastoral calls – donated by pastors
  • Original worship music – free use permitted by individual musicians
  • Prayer ideas and other worship resources – donated by church members
  • Various video and audio equipment – donated on an in-kind basis

Thanks for your support of this ministry!  

All donations are tax deductible and very much appreciated!